Find remote first companies, who are located in europe or north america, who hires developers in south america

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DreamCraft Entertainment, Inc. is a partly remote company headquartered in North America (Redwood City, CA, USA). The company has a global team that spans North America, South America, Asia, and Europe, indicating that they hire developers in South America.


The company Remote is a remote-first company that offers services to hire and manage employees globally. It is headquartered in North America (San Francisco, USA). Additionally, Remote provides services that allow companies to hire employees in countries where they do not have a legal entity, which includes South America.

YouTeam is a remote-first company headquartered in North America (Mountain View, CA, USA) and provides access to a talent pool of developers from Latin America, which includes South America.

Redux is a remote-first company headquartered in Portland, Oregon (North America), and it hires developers in South America, including Argentina, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic.

Dagger is a remote-first company headquartered in North America (San Francisco, CA, USA) and Europe (London, England, United Kingdom; Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France). The company also has locations in South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina; Bogotá, Colombia; Montevideo, Uruguay), indicating that they hire developers in South America.

Simera is a remote-first company headquartered in North America (Boston, MA) and provides remote employment opportunities for South America. is a remote-first company headquartered in North America (Mountain View, CA, USA). The company has a team that works remotely from all over the world, including a software engineer named Juan Bautista Cala, who is likely based in South America given the name's cultural origin. This indicates that the company hires developers in South America.


Unosquare matches the query because it is a remote-first company with distributed teams across the Americas and Western Europe, it has delivery centers in the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, and the United Kingdom (indicating it is headquartered in North America and Europe), and it hires developers in South America (evidenced by delivery centers in Colombia and Bolivia). is a remote-first company with employees working remotely from various locations, including North America and Europe. The company has employees based in South America, such as Deividi Silva in Brazil and Tomas Ambrogi in Argentina, indicating that they hire developers in South America.

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