Yc startups hiring for product designers

Search completed: 5 days ago 1435 candidates analyzed stopped after 6 matches found

Pangea.app is a startup that has gone through Y Combinator (W21 batch) and is currently hiring for product designers, as evidenced by the presence of multiple product designers on their team.


Bytebot is a startup that has gone through Y Combinator (S21 batch) and is currently hiring and assembling a team capable of leveraging AI, which includes roles in the Product and Design subindustry.

Safepay is a Y Combinator startup from the S20 batch and is currently hiring for a UI/UX Designer, which is a role closely related to product design.


Complete is a startup that has gone through Y Combinator (W22 batch) and plans to make key strategic hires across product and design, which includes product designers.


Ditto is a startup that has gone through Y Combinator (W20 batch) and is currently hiring for product designers.

MailTime is a startup that has gone through Y Combinator (Winter 2016 batch) and has a career section inviting designers to join the team, which includes product designers.

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