Yc companies that use llms for web automation

Search completed: 4 days ago 1348 candidates analyzed stopped after 21 matches found

Speck is a Y Combinator company (W24 batch) that uses large language models (LLMs) for web automation, as evidenced by their open-source LLM-powered Selenium package for automating web tasks with natural language and their platform for defining and executing browser workflows using natural language.

Autotab is a Y Combinator company (S23 batch) that uses AI for automating tasks in the browser, which aligns with the use of large language models (LLMs) for web automation.

Skyvern is a Y Combinator (YC) company from the S23 batch. The company uses large language models (LLMs) and computer vision to automate browser-based workflows, which aligns with the focus on web automation.

Automat is a Y Combinator company (W23 batch) that uses large language models (LLMs) and computer vision for automation, specifically focusing on web automation through robotic process automation (RPA) for Chrome.


Bytebot is a Y Combinator company from the S21 batch, uses AI and natural language prompts to translate into Puppeteer commands for web automation, and focuses on browser automation including clicks, form filling, and data extraction.

CloudCruise is a Y Combinator company (YC batch: W24) and focuses on web automation by offering a platform for automating repetitive tasks in browsers. The company utilizes generative AI, which likely includes large language models (LLMs) for its automation solutions.

Sola is a Y Combinator company from the S23 batch, uses large language models (LLMs) in their technology, and focuses on web automation by providing solutions for automating data entry and scraping in manual filing and processing flows.


Bardeen is a Y Combinator company that uses large language models (LLMs) for web automation. The company offers a Chrome extension for workflow automation, which includes features like the Magic Box that allows users to generate workflows using everyday language, indicating the use of LLMs. Additionally, Bardeen's platform is designed to work with both apps and websites, leveraging browser agents for web interactions, which aligns with the focus on web automation.

Contour is a Y Combinator company (S23 batch) that utilizes state-of-the-art generative AI, which likely includes large language models (LLMs), for end-to-end testing. The company's primary focus is on automating the testing of user interfaces, which can be considered a form of web automation.

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