Use ai for biodiversity monitoring

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Synthetaic (now RAIC Labs) uses AI technology in its operations, specifically through its RAIC tool, which automates the analysis of large, unstructured datasets. The company has been involved in biodiversity monitoring projects, such as helping save the Sumatran Rhino and discovering Hawaiian seabirds thought to be extinct. These activities align with the use of AI for biodiversity monitoring.

Pachama uses artificial intelligence and satellite data to evaluate and monitor forest carbon projects, which include biodiversity impacts. Their technology suite includes AI-based tools for measuring baselines dynamically, monitoring forest cover change, and tracking biodiversity impacts. This aligns with the criteria of using AI for biodiversity monitoring.


Descartes Labs uses artificial intelligence in its operations and products, specifically applying AI technology to biodiversity monitoring through its Biodiversity Analysis Toolkit.

Dendra Systems uses advanced technologies like AI and drone swarms for environmental restoration, which includes providing detailed ecosystem insights and monitoring progress. This indicates that their AI technology is specifically applied to biodiversity monitoring.


Conservation X Labs uses artificial intelligence in its operations, specifically through tools like Sentinel and Wild Me, which are applied to biodiversity monitoring by processing environmental data in real-time and supporting animal population assessment and research.

DrivenData Labs uses artificial intelligence in its operations and products, as evidenced by their work in AI strategy, machine learning, and data science competitions. Specifically, they have developed Project Zamba, an open-source Python package and web application for automating wildlife identification in video footage, which directly applies AI technology to biodiversity monitoring.

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