Tech startup hiring interns

Search completed: 4 days ago 1445 candidates analyzed stopped after 26 matches found is a recruitment platform for Nordic startups, including those in the technology sector, and offers a variety of job types including internships.

VirtuSense is a tech startup focused on AI-powered healthcare tools, and the Head of People manages hiring and internship opportunities, indicating they are likely hiring interns.


Upkey is a startup company that provides technology-driven solutions for job and internship discovery, and it offers a job board updated daily with new job and internship opportunities, indicating that it is currently hiring interns.

Opvia is a startup company in the technology sector, specifically Healthcare IT, and it offers opportunities for early careerists and graduates, which implies they are hiring interns.


NK Securities Research is a high-frequency algorithmic trading firm, which qualifies it as a tech company. It offers internship opportunities in Quantitative Research and Software Development, and it is a relatively young company founded in 2011, which can be considered a startup.

Jina AI is a startup company founded in 2020, primarily engaged in the technology sector with a focus on AI tools and solutions. The company also offers an internship program with opportunities in research, engineering, marketing, and sales.

Arcurve is a tech company that offers a wide range of technology services and has a structured recruiting process for internships, including hosting Arcurve Academy, a student internship program.

DotStark Technologies is a startup company established in 2019, primarily engaged in the technology sector, and is currently hiring interns, specifically an AWS cloud developer intern.

Decagon is a startup company primarily engaged in the technology sector, specifically in providing remote software engineering talent and operating a software engineering training institute. Additionally, Decagon offers a Fellowship Program that includes a 2-month internship, indicating that they are currently hiring interns.

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