Nonprofits that offer employment training in canada

Search completed: 9 days ago 1340 candidates analyzed stopped after 5 matches found

Clean Foundation is a nonprofit organization that offers various employment training programs, such as the Clean Leadership Summer Internship Program, Green Jobs Internship Program, Science Horizons Internship Program, and Clean Energy Advisor Training Program. Additionally, it operates primarily in Nova Scotia, Canada.

ACCES Employment is a nonprofit organization that offers a variety of employment training programs specifically designed to support internationally-trained professionals, newcomers, women, youth, and refugees in finding work in their field in Canada. The organization operates seven locations across the Greater Toronto Area and serves over 42,000 clients each year, indicating a primary operation in Canada.


NPower is a nonprofit organization that offers a variety of tech training programs, including employment training. It operates in multiple locations, including Toronto, Canada.

NPower Canada is a nonprofit organization (as evidenced by its Charitable Registration number: 82283 0436 RR0001) that offers free tech-training programs and certifications for job seekers. It operates in multiple provinces across Canada including British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Québec, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia.

Civiconnect matches the query because it is a nonprofit organization that offers employment training programs through its Youth Skills Studio and Learning & Development services, and it is based in Canada, specifically in Beamsville, Ontario.

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