llm companies with hispanic founder

Search completed: 4 days ago 911 candidates analyzed stopped after 3 matches found

Automat is primarily engaged in developing and utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) for automation, as evidenced by their use of LLMs and computer vision for robotic process automation. Additionally, one of the founders, Lucas Ochoa, has a Hispanic surname, which suggests he may be of Hispanic descent.


Fintool is primarily engaged in utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) as it offers a financial copilot for institutional investors, utilizing ChatGPT to discover insights from financial documents. Additionally, one of the co-founders, Nicolas Bustamante, has a Hispanic surname, which suggests he may be of Hispanic descent.


Lang.ai employs patented Language AI technology, which suggests involvement in developing or utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs). Additionally, the CEO and founder, Jorge Penalva, has a name that is commonly associated with Hispanic descent, providing evidence that the company was founded by a person of Hispanic descent.

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