Game developer job unity

Search completed: 9 days ago 1220 candidates analyzed stopped after 3 matches found

zGames provides full-cycle game design and development services, offers Unity 3D technology for cross-platform game development, and employs developers proficient in Unity3D. This aligns with the criteria of a game developer job requiring proficiency in Unity and specifically related to game development using Unity.

Ramen VR is a game development company that has developed a VR game called Zenith: The Last City. The company employs several gameplay developers who have experience with Unity, as evidenced by Jashan, who started game development after finding Unity and has published a book about Unity. Additionally, Lauren, one of the cofounders, has worked for Unity before transitioning to full-time game development. Therefore, the company matches the criteria of being a game developer and requiring proficiency in Unity for game development.


The company offers a position for a Senior Unity Software Developer, which indicates a job for a game developer requiring proficiency in Unity. The company's focus on creating engaging mobile games confirms that the job is specifically related to game development using Unity.

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