
71 people indexed: Company Information, headquartered in Chicago with a fully remote team of 72, operates within the B2B infrastructure sector. As a participant in the Y-Combinator W20 batch, the company has established a robust platform that caters to businesses across the United States and Canada. provides a comprehensive suite of services for full stack application deployment, including the ability to deploy Docker images, manage databases, schedule cron jobs, and establish private networking. The platform supports multiple regions deployment to reduce latency and integrates seamlessly with GitHub for continuous deployment. Additionally, offers a free tier, SSL certificates for secure connections, detailed app metrics and logging, and a REST API for service management. Their technology also transforms containers into micro-VMs across over 30 global regions. Notable customers include Supabase, Tailscale, Fanatics, Apollo, Glide, Glitch, and

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Nullstone, based in Atlanta with a fully remote team, is a Y Combinator-backed company specializing in B2B infrastructure solutions, offering a range of tools for rapid, secure app deployment on the cloud.

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Porter, formerly known as Bloom, is a B2B infrastructure company based in New York, offering a platform for seamless deployment of applications on major cloud services like AWS, Azure, and GCP.

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