Find software companies using ai to automatically review/audit charts in healthcare

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Alaffia Health is a software company that uses AI to automate the review and auditing of healthcare claims. Their AI-powered solutions specifically focus on reviewing and auditing charts, such as itemized bills and medical records, within the healthcare industry.

Consensus Cloud Solutions is a software company that uses artificial intelligence in its products, specifically in the form of natural language processing and AI document processing. Their Clarity CD solution automatically extracts and routes data from unstructured documents into corresponding patient records, which aligns with the criteria of automatically reviewing or auditing charts in the healthcare industry.

Arintra is a software company in the healthcare industry that uses AI technologies such as Deep Learning, NLP, Clinical LLMs, and Generative AI to automatically review and code patient charts. This aligns with the query's criteria of using AI to automatically review/audit charts in healthcare.

Artisight is a software company that uses AI in its Smart Hospital Platform to automate tasks and optimize processes in healthcare settings. The platform integrates computer vision and AI to create ambient intelligence, which suggests the use of AI for reviewing or auditing charts in healthcare environments.


DigitalOwl is a software company that uses AI-powered solutions for medical record reviews, transforming complex medical records into structured data for faster, more accurate reviews and enhanced decision-making. The company's AI technology specifically focuses on automatically reviewing or auditing charts and is applied within the healthcare industry, as evidenced by its ability to process various types of medical documents including EMRs, handwritten notes, and scanned documents. The platform's features such as AI-Driven Audit Reports and AI-Enhanced Medical Summaries further confirm its alignment with the query criteria.

Verantos is a software company that uses AI to generate high-validity real-world evidence from patient records, including unstructured EHR clinical narratives. This indicates that their AI technology is used to review and audit charts within the healthcare industry.

MedChart is a software company that uses AI-powered analysis to provide insights from health records. Their platform includes features like smart optical character recognition (sOCR), chronological sorting, and diagnosis, condition, and medication tagging, which align with the criteria of using AI to automatically review or audit charts. Additionally, MedChart operates within the healthcare industry, focusing on the digitization and simplification of health information requests and releases.

Plenful is a software company that uses AI-powered workflow automation solutions specifically for pharmacy and healthcare operations. It offers solutions like 340B Audit & Capture and Intelligent Document Data Entry, which involve the automatic review and auditing of documents. The company's technology is applied within the healthcare industry, serving various healthcare organizations.

Codoxo is a software company that uses AI technology specifically for reviewing and auditing charts within the healthcare industry. Their Forensic AI Platform and ClaimPilot solution are designed to ensure payment integrity and provide clinical audit turnaround times, which aligns with the criteria of using AI to automatically review/audit charts in healthcare.

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