Find companies with indian founders

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The company Klub Works has two co-founders, Anurakt Jain and Ishita Verma, both of whom have names and educational backgrounds that suggest Indian origin. Anurakt Jain is an alumnus of IIT-D and Ishita Verma studied at Lady Shri Ram College and IIM-B, which are prominent Indian institutions.


The company Summitry has an employee, Archana Turaga, who is an Associate Financial Advisor and is of Indian origin. She is an Indian CPA and completed her Indian CPA after moving to the United States.


The company Enerjazz has a co-founder named Ravi who graduated from IIT Kharagpur and moved back to India, indicating he is of Indian origin.


The company has a Chief Strategy Officer named Nitish Maini, who holds a Master’s in Economics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, indicating he is of Indian origin.


The company Ogilvy has Devika Bulchandani, who was born in India and is the Global Chief Executive Officer, and Piyush Pandey, who has been with Ogilvy for over 40 years and is the Chairman of Global Creative, and is of Indian origin.


The company has a Senior Vice President, Anand Narayanan, who has an Indian name and background, indicating Indian origin.


The company has a senior executive, Guna Kannan, who earned a master's degree at the Indian Institute of Technology and completed a Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Science, indicating Indian origin.


MapmyIndia was co-founded by Rakesh Kumar Verma and Rashmi Verma, both of whom have Indian origins. Additionally, Rohan Verma, the current CEO, is also of Indian origin.


The company Sciata has multiple individuals in leadership positions with names that are commonly associated with Indian nationality or origin, such as Harish Krishnamurthy, Rajesh Kumar, and Ravi Adireddy.

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