Find companies that are similar to brex with over 20 employees

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Abacus is similar to Brex in terms of business model and industry as both companies operate in the finance and accounting sub-industry, providing expense management solutions and corporate cards. Additionally, Abacus has a team size of 30, which is more than 20 employees.


Veryfi, Inc. operates in the finance and accounting sub-industry, similar to Brex, which is a financial technology company. Additionally, Veryfi has a team size of 60 employees, which is more than 20 employees.

Conta Simples is similar to Brex in terms of business model and industry as both are fintech companies offering corporate cards and expense management solutions. Additionally, Conta Simples has a team size of 130 employees, which is more than 20.

Portão 3 is similar to Brex in terms of business model and industry as it offers a platform for managing corporate expenses and travel, which aligns with Brex's focus on corporate financial solutions. Additionally, Portão 3 has a team size of 24 employees, which meets the criterion of having more than 20 employees.

Airwallex offers a range of financial services and products similar to Brex, such as multi-currency corporate cards, global payments, and expense management tools. Additionally, Airwallex is trusted by over 100,000 companies, indicating it likely has more than 20 employees.

Spenmo operates in the fintech industry and offers a suite of spend management tools, including corporate cards, bill payments, and reimbursements, which is similar to Brex's business model. Additionally, Spenmo has a team size of 200 employees, which is well over the 20-employee threshold specified in the query.

Tribal offers a comprehensive financial platform for SMEs, including corporate credit cards and financial management tools, which is similar to Brex's business model. Additionally, the company has a CEO and COO with extensive experience in fintech and financial services, indicating a significant team size likely exceeding 20 employees.


Fuell is similar to Brex in terms of business model and industry as it provides corporate cards and expense management solutions. Additionally, Fuell has 23 employees, which is more than 20.

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