Companies who are looking for b2b leads

Search completed: 2 days ago 1339 candidates analyzed stopped after 218 matches found

Datrics primarily operates in a B2B market, as indicated by its industry classification and sub-industry focus on B2B engineering, product, and design. Additionally, the company has a Business Development Lead with experience in developing pre-sales and sales processes with B2B clients, suggesting that they are actively seeking B2B leads.


Yard specializes in creator-led growth for both B2B and B2C companies and has indexed and analyzed over 1,200 B2B influencers and their audiences, indicating a focus on B2B leads.

Camp3 provides a B2B sales pipeline automation service, works with B2B software businesses, professional service providers, and recruiting agencies, and focuses on generating high-quality sales appointments and leads for B2B clients. offers a platform that provides solutions for sales engagement, RevOps, and conversation intelligence, which are primarily B2B services. The company integrates with popular platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Teams, indicating a focus on business clients. Additionally, the presence of a VP of Sales and detailed use cases on their website further suggest that they are actively seeking B2B leads.


SketchDeck operates in the B2B sector and focuses on providing design services for marketing, sales, and communication needs, which indicates they are likely seeking B2B leads to grow their client base.


Quickcard operates in the B2B industry and focuses on sales enablement, which involves helping businesses create personalized and actionable sales documents. This indicates that they are likely seeking B2B leads to grow their customer base.

Panorays primarily operates in the B2B market, providing cybersecurity solutions to businesses. The company's leadership team has extensive experience in B2B software solutions, and their marketing efforts are focused on B2B leads, as evidenced by the Chief Marketing Officer's background in B2B marketing.


Applecart specializes in Decision Maker Marketing, targeting key decision makers and influencers, which aligns with seeking B2B leads. The company serves industry-leading organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, trade associations, advocacy organizations, and strategic communications agencies, indicating a primary operation in the B2B market.


Belkins primarily operates in a B2B market and offers a variety of lead generation services, including appointment setting, cold email outreach, and cold calling, which indicates they are actively seeking business-to-business (B2B) leads.

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