Climate risk ai firms

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RiskSpan provides climate risk analytics for mortgage finance, including property-specific analysis and loan-level hazard risk scoring, and supports the analysis of various climate risks such as flood, storm, earthquake, and wildfire. Additionally, they offer data science and machine learning services, which indicates a focus on artificial intelligence.

Kettle uses AI as a core part of its business to predict and mitigate risks associated with catastrophic climate events, such as wildfires and hurricanes. Their AI models analyze vast amounts of data to assess and manage climate risks, making them a firm that focuses on both artificial intelligence and climate risk mitigation.

Keeling Labs is primarily engaged in developing technology that involves data engineering, machine learning, and data science, which are core components of artificial intelligence. Additionally, the company focuses on optimizing energy assets and developing technology to maximize the utilization and impact of large batteries in the grid, which directly relates to mitigating climate risk.

Clarity AI employs AI-powered technology for sustainability assessment, analysis, and reporting, including climate analysis and ESG risk management.

Vibrant Planet uses AI for land mapping and improving climate resiliency, and its core business focuses on assessing and mitigating climate risk through its platform and various initiatives.

KorrAI primarily engages in artificial intelligence for subsidence monitoring and offers solutions that enable smarter decisions in a changing climate, which aligns with assessing or mitigating climate risk.


Manifest Climate offers a comprehensive climate risk planning software that integrates AI to help businesses manage and communicate climate risks and opportunities. This aligns with both criteria of being primarily engaged in artificial intelligence and focusing on assessing or mitigating climate risk.


Birch Biosciences leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning as part of their proprietary platform to engineer enzymes for plastic recycling. Their focus on improving the circularity of plastic and reducing carbon emissions aligns with assessing and mitigating climate risk.

BrainBox AI is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on AI-driven solutions for HVAC optimization, energy management, and building decarbonization. The company also addresses climate risk by reducing energy consumption, carbon emissions, and supporting net zero emissions goals.

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