Build in public

Search completed: 4 days ago 1446 candidates analyzed stopped after 75 matches found

Adept matches the query 'build in public' because the company openly shares its development process and progress with the public. They regularly provide updates on their product development, challenges, and milestones through public channels such as blog posts. Specific examples include the open-sourcing of their models Fuyu-8B and Persimmon-8B, and detailed blog posts about their research and technical troubleshooting.


Plausible Analytics provides a public roadmap and is open to community feedback, which indicates that they share their development process and progress with the public. Additionally, they offer email and Slack reports for regular updates, and they allow users to share their stats publicly, which aligns with the criteria of regularly providing updates on product development, challenges, and milestones through public channels.

Speakeasy provides a public roadmap, community Slack for support, and a changelog to keep users updated on new features and improvements, which indicates they share their development process and progress with the public.

Infield matches the query 'build in public' because the company openly shares its development process and progress with the public through multiple blog posts authored by its co-founders. These blog posts discuss various aspects of their product development, challenges, and milestones, such as the limitations of Dependabot, upgrading Rails, and avoiding breakage with deprecation warnings.


Celest has a public roadmap and RFCs planned, a GitHub repository for feature requests and support, and a Discord server for community interaction, which indicates that the company openly shares its development process and progress with the public and regularly provides updates on its product development, challenges, and milestones through public channels.


Scratch Data matches the query 'build in public' because the company, through its employee Jay Goel, regularly shares detailed blog posts about their development process, product updates, challenges, and milestones. These blog posts cover a wide range of technical topics and insights into their product development, which aligns with the criteria of openly sharing their development process and progress with the public.


atopile openly shares its development process and progress with the public through GitHub, Twitter, YouTube, and Discord. The company also maintains a roadmap for future development and provides a development guide on their website.

Aurora matches the query 'build in public' because the company openly shares its development process and progress with the public through multiple blog posts authored by its employees. These posts cover various aspects of their technology, including machine learning workflows, fault management, and safety features. Additionally, Aurora provides regular updates on its product development and milestones through these public channels.


Sarus hosts a blog discussing product updates, industry examples, privacy, data protection, data governance, math, machine learning, and more, and offers a newsletter subscription for updates. This indicates that the company openly shares its development process and progress with the public and regularly provides updates on its product development, challenges, and milestones through public channels.

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