Are working on novel uses of ai and doing their own training

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Activeloop is working on novel applications of AI by providing a database for AI that allows for creating, storing, versioning, and collaborating on multi-modal AI datasets. This is a novel use of AI as it simplifies the process of working with large-scale datasets for AI applications. Additionally, the company offers benefits such as fine-tuning LLM models, which implies they are conducting their own AI model training.

Gong is working on novel applications of artificial intelligence through its Revenue Intelligence platform, which provides AI-driven insights to improve decision-making and accelerate revenue growth. Additionally, the company employs over 40 purpose-built AI models to analyze customer interactions at scale, indicating that they are conducting their own AI model training.


AudioFocus is working on novel applications of artificial intelligence by developing hearing aids that enhance nearby voices in noisy environments using machine learning. Additionally, the company is conducting its own AI model training, as evidenced by the CEO/Founder's background in deep learning models of sound and the science of hearing loss, and the use of acoustics informed machine learning in their technology.


AE Studio is working on novel applications of artificial intelligence, such as neurotechnology consulting, brain-computer interfaces, and custom AI/ML solutions tailored to business needs. Additionally, they have a dedicated team for AI alignment and have developed various AI solutions, indicating they conduct their own AI model training.

Humanloop is working on novel applications of AI by helping developers and founders build applications on top of large language models and improving systems with human feedback. Additionally, the company offers a developer platform for LLM applications, which implies they are likely conducting their own AI model training.


DeepBrainz AI is working on novel applications of AI through their GenAI AppSuite, which provides AI-driven code suggestions, augmentation, and domain-specific AI guidance. Additionally, DeepBrainz AI Cloud offers continuous ML training and serving (MLOps), indicating that the company conducts its own AI model training.

Concentric AI is working on novel applications of artificial intelligence, specifically in the domain of data security, using deep learning technologies for data categorization and risk analysis. Additionally, the company has a strong focus on AI-based data discovery and classification solutions, indicating that they are conducting their own AI model training.


Cerebras Systems is working on novel applications of AI, as evidenced by their development of the CS-3, described as the world’s fastest and most scalable AI accelerator, and their AI supercomputers like Condor Galaxy 3. Additionally, they are conducting their own AI model training, as indicated by their partnership with Qualcomm to develop AI platforms for training and inference, and their provision of open source AI models and a model zoo for developers.


Abacus.AI is working on novel applications of artificial intelligence, including generative AI, AI agents, and predictive applied AI systems. Additionally, the company provides comprehensive MLOps services, including model hosting, auto-scaling, periodic data refresh, model retraining, and custom fine-tunes, indicating that they conduct their own AI model training.

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