Are at the early stage

Search completed: 3 days ago 775 candidates analyzed stopped after 99 matches found

CatX matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it has been operational for less than 3 years (Y-Combinator batch S23), has a small team of 2 employees, and is in the process of developing its initial product or service by offering high-return investment opportunities and advanced risk models in the insurance sector.


Charityvest matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it is identified as early stage in its development, has been operational for less than 3 years (since it was part of the S20 Y Combinator batch), has a small team of 9 employees, and is in the process of developing its initial product or service.

Writesonic matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it has been operational for less than 3 years (launched on August 11, 2021), has a small team of 30 employees, and is in the process of developing its initial product or service as an AI writing and image generation platform.

Phoenix Hydrogen matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it meets all the specific criteria: the company is in its early stage of development (evidenced by its recent pre-seed funding round and participation in Y-Combinator W22), has been operational for less than 3 years (Y-Combinator batch W22 indicates it started in 2022), has a small team of 2 full-time employees and additional part-time contributors, and is in the process of developing its initial product or service (developing hydrogen hubs and marketplace platform).


Penguin AI matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it has been operational for less than 3 years (Y-Combinator batch S22), has a small team of 3 employees, and is in the process of developing and offering its initial product or service.


Flowbo matches the criteria for being at the early stage because it has been operational for less than 3 years (Y Combinator S21 batch), has a small team of 2 employees, and is currently running a private beta program, indicating it is in the process of developing its initial product or service.


Mentorcam matches the query because it is in its early stage of development, has been operational for less than 3 years (launched in 2021), has a small team of 9 employees, and is in the process of developing its initial product or service as indicated by its participation in Y Combinator's S21 batch. matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it meets all the specific criteria: it is in its early stage of development, has been operational for less than 3 years (since September 2022), has a small team of 9 employees, and is in the process of developing its initial product or service as evidenced by its recent pre-seed funding and participation in the Y Combinator Winter 2024 batch.


Littio matches the query 'are at the early stage' because it has been operational for less than 3 years (launched to the general public in February 2022), has a small team of 28 employees, and is still in the process of developing and expanding its initial product offerings (e.g., launching new accounts and cards).

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