Ai company with computational cognitive neuroscience

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Basis is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their focus on building technology that can reason about and operate in complex environments, and their development of probabilistic machine learning tools like Pyro and NumPyro. Additionally, Basis has worked on computational neuroscience and cognitive science projects like successor representation learning and Autumn, which aligns with the specialization in computational cognitive neuroscience.

Rain Neuromorphics is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their focus on creating AI processors inspired by the brain and their tagline 'A nanotechnology revolution for artificial intelligence'. Additionally, they use neuromorphic hardware and biologically plausible models of learning, which aligns with computational cognitive neuroscience.

Pison is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their AI algorithms that transform brain signal data into valuable insights. Additionally, Pison specializes in computational cognitive neuroscience, as indicated by their focus on monitoring and improving cognitive performance through brain signal data and their partnerships with scientific research institutions.

Soul Machines is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on creating AI-powered digital people. Their technology combines Cognitive Modeling with Embodied Cognition, which aligns with computational cognitive neuroscience.


Deliberate AI is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on ambient multimodal AI for mental health. They use behavioral signal processing and have developed platforms like Multitude™ for CNS biomarker discovery and development, which involves computational cognitive neuroscience.

BIOS Health is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on AI-driven precision medicine for the nervous system. The company also specializes in computational cognitive neuroscience, as evidenced by the backgrounds of its founders and leadership team, who have expertise in computational neuroscience and neural engineering.


Piramidal is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on healthcare diagnostics using AI technology. They also specialize in computational cognitive neuroscience, as evidenced by their work on analyzing brain biosignals and microscale brain network dynamics.


Novoic is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their AI-based systems for clinical assessments and speech recognition models. They also specialize in computational cognitive neuroscience, focusing on detecting cognitive impairments and Alzheimer's neuropathology using AI-enabled software. is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, offering advanced AI tools for disease prediction and monitoring. They also specialize in brain segmentation and volumetric analysis, which aligns with computational cognitive neuroscience.

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