Ai company with behavioral science

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evolve24 is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, utilizing AI-driven consumer insights and predictive analytics. Additionally, the company integrates principles of behavioral science by focusing on empathy, understanding diverse human experiences, and analyzing consumer sentiment, behaviors, preferences, and needs.

Responsive is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, offering AI-assisted solutions in wealth management, banking, and insurance. Additionally, the company integrates principles of behavioral science, as evidenced by the involvement of their Chief Science Officer, Logan Grosenick, who uses machine learning to model financial behavior.


Nauto is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their extensive use of AI-powered solutions for fleet safety, risk management, and driver behavior monitoring. Additionally, Nauto integrates principles of behavioral science in their products, such as driver behavior alerts, self-guided coaching, and manager-led coaching, which aim to modify and improve driver behavior.

Knowtified is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their use of advanced machine learning algorithms and AI-powered foresight. Additionally, they integrate principles of behavioral science in their products, as indicated by their use of behavioral science to analyze organizational data and their product suite that includes Behavioral Science.

Creative Science is primarily engaged in behavioral design and digital strategy, integrating behavioral science and human-centered design. They also provide capabilities in AI and machine learning, which indicates that AI is a significant part of their business.


Material leverages behavioral science and integrates it into their services, such as behavioral science consulting and behavioral analytics. Additionally, they utilize AI in their data-driven optimization, predictive analytics, and customer experience performance tracking.

Dstillery is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, offering AI-driven audience targeting solutions, predictive bidding, and cookieless advertising. Additionally, the company integrates principles of behavioral science, as evidenced by their application of machine learning to sequences of internet browsing behavior and the discussion of natural language and behavior in product development.


Exabeam is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, providing AI-driven security solutions. They also utilize principles of behavioral science through their behavioral analytics and anomaly detection models.

Lancey is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their use of AI to optimize product funnels and automate growth experiments. Additionally, they integrate principles of behavioral science by analyzing user behavior and automatically suggesting and launching product growth experiments.

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