Thomas Ray

Scientific Co-Founder @ Mindstate Design Labs arrow icon

About Thomas Ray

Thomas Ray is a scientific co-founder known for his pioneering work in artificial life, designing a new CPU architecture, operating system, and machine language, and his extensive research into the natural history of psychedelic experiences.

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Thomas Ray, a scientific co-founder with a PhD in Biology from Harvard University, has made significant contributions across multiple fields of study. He enrolled in university at the age of 16 and published groundbreaking research in the journal Science as an undergraduate, using the natural history method to discover new phenomena of nature. Despite having no formal training in computer science, Ray designed an entirely new CPU architecture, operating system, and machine language. He is renowned for creating the first known instance of evolution by natural selection apart from life on Earth, developing the first true artificial life program. For the past two decades, Ray has devoted his research to studying the natural history of psychedelic experiences. He integrates human experience data with biochemical data to formulate hypotheses about the biological basis of the diverse varieties of psychedelic experiences.

About Mindstate Design Labs

Mindstate Design Labs, formerly known as Kykeon Biotechnologies, is a healthcare company specializing in the development of psychedelic therapeutics for mental health, utilizing AI and machine learning.

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Tom Richardson

Head of Medicinal Chemistry @ Mindstate Design Labs

Tom Richardson is the Head of Medicinal Chemistry with over 20 years of experience, specializing in the development of T-Type calcium channel inhibitors and holding a PhD in Organic Chemistry from The Ohio State University.

Drew Thieme is a cheminformatician with a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, specializing in computational chemistry, psychopharmacology, and drug discovery.

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