
Search completed: 23 days ago 1339 candidates analyzed stopped after 252 matches found

The Workshop Technologies develops casino games, betting platforms, enterprise software, and fintech products, which indicates that their primary business is related to software development and software services.


P3 Academy's primary business includes software development and software services, as evidenced by their offerings in customized software applications, mobile solutions, software tests, IT staffing, cloud services, and more.

Apiiro's primary business is related to software development and software services, specifically in the domain of application security posture management (ASPM) and software supply chain security.

8base's primary business is related to software development and software services. They offer a Backend-as-a-Service, an AI-driven software development platform, and various tools and educational resources for developers.


Launch Scout's primary business involves custom software development, team augmentation with skilled software development engineers, and providing software solutions such as machine learning and AI. They utilize various software technologies and offer services directly related to software development.


G2 Software Systems is primarily engaged in custom software development and software services, as evidenced by their extensive experience in software development, systems engineering, and their role as a prime contractor on significant federal government contracts.

Appulate provides a digital platform that automates the insurance quoting process, which involves significant software development and services. The company's primary business is related to software development and software services for the insurance industry.


Webscale Networks offers a CloudFlow Supercloud Platform for orchestrating applications across a multi-cloud network, which involves software development and software services. Their solutions include AI-enhanced workload automation, application performance, security, and compliance in multi-cloud environments, all of which are software-related services.


TruMedia provides data analytics, visualizations, and video scouting tools, which are software services. Additionally, they have a software development team and offer various software platforms for sports analytics.

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