Latam companies focused on nearshoring focusing on quality

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Softtek is based in Latin America, specifically founded in Monterrey, Mexico, and has multiple Global Delivery Centers in Latin America including Mexico City, Bogotá, Colombia, and Fortaleza, Brazil. The company is engaged in nearshoring services, having pioneered Near Shore Services and working with U.S. clients since 1997. Additionally, Softtek emphasizes quality in its operations, as evidenced by its TMMi Level 5 certification with perfect scores for its Quality Assurance and Validation Practice.

Tonic3 matches the query because it is based in Latin America with offices in Buenos Aires and São Paulo, it utilizes a nearshore development model with delivery centers in Latin America, and it emphasizes quality through its extensive experience, specialized services, and rigorous testing programs.

Rulesware has offices in El Salvador and Mexico, which are in Latin America, and offers nearshore delivery teams. The company has won awards for implementation quality, indicating a focus on quality in its operations.

clicOH is based in Latin America (Argentina and Mexico), is engaged in logistics services which can be considered a form of nearshoring, and offers Amazon-like logistics which implies a focus on quality in storage, packing, and shipping services.


KM2 Solutions is based in Latin America and the Caribbean, provides nearshore outsourcing services, and has received multiple awards for customer experience and operational performance, indicating a focus on quality.

PartnerHero has a global footprint with hubs in LATAM and offers nearshore outsourcing options. Additionally, the company emphasizes quality through its integrated quality assurance features in its CX management platform and white glove QA services.

Intertec International operates nearshore technology centers in Latin America (Costa Rica, Colombia, and Mexico), which aligns with the nearshoring criterion. The company emphasizes quality through its ISO 27001 certification for Information Security Management System and offers managed cybersecurity services, which indicates a focus on quality. Although the company is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, its significant operations in Latin America meet the criterion of being based in Latin America for the purposes of nearshoring services.


Fictiv operates in Mexico, which is part of Latin America, and offers nearshoring solutions for production injection molding. The company also emphasizes quality through its quality assurance ecosystem, on-site quality engineers, and inspection reports for every part. matches the query because it is engaged in nearshoring services by building dev teams in Latin America for US product companies, it is based in Latin America with class-A offices in LATAM cities, and it emphasizes quality in its operations by providing Silicon Valley style offices, local success managers, and dev-friendly perks, as well as focusing on building developer communities in untapped markets.

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