Companies that are in need of text-to-sql solutions

Search completed: 4 days ago 1386 candidates analyzed stopped after 23 matches found

Dataherald explicitly offers solutions that enable embedding Natural Language to SQL (NL-to-SQL) into products through an API. The company allows users to conduct no-code data analytics, pull reports, answer data questions, and conduct complex data queries using natural language. This directly aligns with the need for text-to-SQL solutions as specified in the query.

People offers solutions that allow business users to query data using everyday language, powered by SQLCoder, which is specifically designed for text-to-SQL conversions. The company provides tools for converting natural language text to SQL queries and has a strong focus on text-to-SQL solutions, as evidenced by their SQLCoder-34B model and its capabilities.


Shape uses natural language to query databases and provides answers to data questions in seconds, which indicates a need for text-to-SQL solutions. Additionally, their engine interprets questions like an analyst and supports advanced SQL, including complex joins and unions, which aligns with the use case of converting natural language text to SQL queries.

Brewit offers conversational data analytics and features that include writing SQL and generating complex queries, which indicates a need for text-to-SQL solutions. The company provides a natural language experience for answering data questions and providing data insights, aligning with the use case of converting natural language text to SQL queries.

Velvet is an AI-first SQL editor that allows users to query their production data using an AI SQL editor, which includes the capability to ask natural language questions to automate SQL and return live data. This directly aligns with the need for text-to-SQL solutions.

Tellius offers natural language search for ad hoc data exploration and analysis, which implies a need for converting natural language text to SQL queries. This aligns with the criteria of seeking or expressing a need for text-to-SQL solutions and having a use case that involves converting natural language text to SQL queries.


Seek AI offers a product that supports natural language querying of data and has multiple integrations with SQL databases, indicating a clear use case for converting natural language text to SQL queries. The company is also actively developing and promoting these capabilities, which suggests they are addressing a need for text-to-SQL solutions.

LogicLoop provides an AI SQL Copilot for generating SQL automatically and enables instant updates of business rules using SQL or text descriptions with AI assist for auto-generating SQL. This indicates that the company has a use case involving converting natural language text to SQL queries and is utilizing text-to-SQL solutions.

Trellis converts unstructured data into SQL-compliant tables with a schema defined in natural language, which directly involves converting natural language text to SQL queries. This indicates a clear use case for text-to-SQL solutions.

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