Companies involved with carbon credits

Search completed: 4 days ago 1078 candidates analyzed stopped after 69 matches found

Carbon Direct provides science-backed carbon management solutions, including software for carbon footprints, reduction strategies, and high-quality removal portfolios. They are committed to reducing and removing over 100 million tonnes of carbon dioxide and define quality criteria for the voluntary carbon market, indicating a strong involvement in the carbon credits market.


Casa dos Ventos offers environmental certificates such as carbon credits and provides services to help clients align with ASG agendas, indicating involvement in the carbon credits market.

Dalrada Corporation has entered the carbon credit market with a data mining innovation that simplifies the generation, validation, and trading of carbon credits. This indicates that the company is involved in the carbon credits market, provides services related to carbon credits, and has a focus on trading carbon credits.

BlockApps is involved in the carbon credits market through its development of applications for tokenizing and trading real-world assets such as carbon credits. The company provides services related to carbon credits with its TraceCarbon solution for CO2e ecosystem management and supports sustainability tracking and carbon management through blockchain technology. Additionally, the company's primary business includes a focus on carbon offsetting and trading carbon credits as part of its broader blockchain solutions for sustainability.


Running Tide is involved in the carbon credits market, provides services related to carbon credits, and its primary business is focused on carbon offsetting through ocean alkalinity enhancement and biomass sinking. The company has delivered over 21,000 carbon credits to customers and sells high-quality carbon removal credits.

Route provides carbon neutral shipping options and funds certified carbon offset projects through a partnership with GreenPlaces, indicating involvement in the carbon credits market and related services.

Lune is involved in the carbon credits market by offering a platform for purchasing carbon credits and providing tools for calculating emissions and carbon offsetting. The company's primary business includes services related to carbon offsetting and trading carbon credits, as evidenced by their commitment to credible offsetting and increasing spend on permanent carbon removal projects.


Kolibri offers services including Carbon Strategies and has measured and managed CO2e under reduction or compensation schemes, indicating involvement in the carbon credits market. Additionally, the presence of employees focused on Carbon Strategies and Carbon Footprint further supports that the company provides services related to carbon credits.


Living Carbon is directly involved in the carbon credits market by selling carbon credits and providing annual payments to landowners for participating. The company provides services related to carbon credits, such as site preparation, planting labor, forest management plans, and carbon data collection. Additionally, Living Carbon's primary business focuses on carbon offsetting through the planting of photosynthesis-enhanced trees that capture more carbon, thus contributing to carbon credit generation.

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