Ai company with cognitive neuroscience

Search completed: 4 days ago 917 candidates analyzed stopped after 33 matches found

Smart Eye is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, focusing on Human Insight AI, which includes technologies like eye tracking, Emotion AI, and facial expression analysis. Additionally, their work involves understanding human behavior and cognitive states, which aligns with the field of cognitive neuroscience.


ECS is engaged in artificial intelligence as part of their core business and also works in the field of neuroscience.

Hanson Robotics is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, developing cognitive architecture and AI-based tools for robots. Additionally, the company integrates cognitive science into their robotics engineering, which aligns with the field of cognitive neuroscience.


PlantingSpace is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, as evidenced by their development of a system that uses deep learning, Bayesian statistics, and other AI methodologies. Additionally, the company works in the field of cognitive neuroscience, as indicated by their use of cognitive science to understand reasoning and learning.

Winterlight Labs uses artificial intelligence to detect changes in neurological and psychiatric symptoms through speech, which aligns with the field of cognitive neuroscience.

BrainKey utilizes artificial intelligence and neurotechnology to provide insights into brain health and longevity, which aligns with the field of cognitive neuroscience.

AudioFocus is primarily engaged in developing hearing aids using machine learning, which aligns with artificial intelligence as their core business. Additionally, the company was founded by an individual with a PhD in Auditory Neuroscience, indicating a strong connection to cognitive neuroscience.


BIOS Health is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, specifically in the healthcare industry, focusing on AI-driven precision medicine for the nervous system. Additionally, the company works in the field of cognitive neuroscience, as evidenced by their use of neural interfaces to understand and use nerve data in medicine, and the backgrounds of their founders and team members in computational neuroscience and related fields.


insitro is primarily engaged in artificial intelligence as their core business, utilizing machine learning and data at scale to accelerate drug discovery and development. Additionally, the company is involved in neuroscience, as evidenced by their focus on neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative conditions, and their partnership with Bristol Myers Squibb to develop treatments for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia.

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