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Pulse's History

Pulse, formerly known as DocTalk, has established itself in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Having undergone a rebranding, the company has grown substantially since its inception. As a participant in the Winter 2017 batch of Y Combinator, Pulse gained valuable insights and mentorship that have propelled its progress in the healthcare sector. Initially focused on consumer health and wellness, Pulse has evolved to offer a comprehensive platform aimed at optimizing customer feedback and enhancing customer experiences.

Pulse's Services

Pulse offers a robust platform designed to collect continuous customer feedback across all customer interactions. By leveraging tools such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) and average rating metrics, businesses can make informed decisions to improve their services. The platform also enables real-time responses to customer feedback, ensuring timely interventions and resolutions. Additionally, Pulse automates the generation of online reviews and user testimonials, making it easier for businesses to manage their online reputation and enhance customer trust.

Pulse's Technology

Pulse utilizes advanced technology to provide a seamless experience for businesses aiming to become customer experience leaders. The platform's NPS dashboards are tailored to individual roles within a company, empowering employees at all levels to act on customer feedback effectively. By automating feedback collection and analysis, Pulse handles millions of customer feedbacks annually, offering actionable insights that drive continuous improvement in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Pulse's Impact in the Healthcare Industry

Operating within the consumer health and wellness sub-industry, Pulse plays a crucial role in enhancing customer experiences for healthcare providers and businesses. By focusing on real-time feedback and NPS metrics, Pulse helps healthcare organizations understand patient needs and improve service delivery. This focus on feedback-driven improvements not only enhances patient satisfaction but also boosts the overall quality of healthcare services in the regions it serves, including India and South Asia.

Pulse's Team and Culture

With a dedicated team of 30 professionals based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, Pulse fosters a culture of innovation and customer-centricity. The company emphasizes the importance of feedback at all levels, from employees to customers, ensuring a holistic approach to service improvement. The team's expertise in leveraging technology for feedback analysis positions Pulse as a leader in the healthcare sector, committed to transforming businesses into customer experience champions.

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