
Fridge Employees

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Fridge Company Information

Fridge was a consumer social company based in San Francisco, CA, USA, with a team size of two. It operated within the consumer social sub-industry and was part of the Y-Combinator S10 batch. The company offered a platform designed for the creation of single-serving social networks that facilitated private conversations, media sharing, and event organization. These networks were targeted towards personal and private relationships, special interest groups, clubs, or temporary networks around events. Fridge was acquired by Google, and its product and team were integrated into Google+, with the aim of continuing to enhance social group experiences for users across the web. The company primarily served regions in the United States of America and America/Canada.

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Companies similar to Fridge

Rume, originally named Lume, was a San Francisco-based company that provided a web-only video chat service aimed at recreating the social dynamics of in-person events. The service became inactive after launching in August 2020.

Convore, based in San Francisco, was a platform for real-time group communication, allowing users to join or create public and private groups to discuss various topics. Despite its participation in Y Combinator's W11 batch, the company is now inactive.

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