
EasyCode Employees

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EasyCode Company Information

EasyCode, previously known as Personabo, is a B2B company headquartered in Toronto, ON, Canada, with a fully remote team of two members. Operating within the engineering, product, and design sub-industry, EasyCode participated in the Y-Combinator W22 batch. The company offers a GPT-4 powered AI coding assistant that comprehends developer context and provides immediate answers to codebase-specific questions. This tool is utilized by 900,000 developers to boost productivity and is available as an extension for both VS Code and JetBrains. Projects with over 200 files require a team plan, which can be accessed by requesting a demo. EasyCode emphasizes data protection and privacy, storing codebase data as embeddings to ensure it is not readable as plaintext. The company uses third-party providers like OpenAI and Anthropic for code generation and MixPanel for telemetry to understand app usage. Support is available through their Discord channel or via email.

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