
CometChat Employees

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CometChat Company Information

CometChat is a company that specializes in offering in-app messaging solutions, including chat, voice, and video calling functionalities. The company provides Software Development Kits (SDKs) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that facilitate easy integration into both mobile and web applications. CometChat supports a range of programming languages and frameworks, including React, iOS, Android, and Flutter, among others. Key features of CometChat include real-time messaging, file sharing, voice and video calling, and group chats. The platform is designed to be scalable, capable of handling a large number of concurrent users effectively. CometChat provides comprehensive documentation and resources to assist developers in the implementation process. Additionally, the company offers customizable User Interface (UI) components that can be tailored to match the branding and functionality needs of the host application. Security is a priority for CometChat, incorporating end-to-end encryption to ensure user data is protected. The company adheres to major data protection regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, making it a compliant choice for developers. CometChat also offers a free trial, allowing potential users to test its features before deciding on a subscription plan.

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Companies similar to CometChat

Sendbird, based in San Mateo, CA, is a B2B company that provides a comprehensive in-app chat API and SDK platform, supporting over 300 million monthly active users and handling more than 7 billion messages per month.

TalkJS, founded in 2016, offers a chat API and SDKs for web and mobile applications with customizable UI and support for various chat use cases.

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