Vc inestors for early stage web3 companies in the space of token assets investment

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MESH is a venture capital firm that focuses on Web3 technologies, invests in early-stage companies, and manages a portfolio of token positions across the Web3 and DeFi landscape. The company also runs an accelerator program for Web3 founders and actively participates in the governance of various DAOs, which aligns with the criteria of specializing in token assets investment.


Metaversal is a venture capital firm that invests in Web3-enabled brands and infrastructure. They focus on digital ownership and creativity through tokenization, which aligns with the token assets investment criterion. Additionally, they have a value-oriented and long-term partnership approach, which suggests they invest in early-stage companies.


Republic is a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage companies and has a focus on Web3 technologies. It also specializes in token assets investment through its crypto services, including advisory, infrastructure, and asset management, as well as offering a Token DPA for token presales.

Pantera Capital is a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage companies, focuses on Web3 technologies, and specializes in token assets investment. The company has launched the first blockchain-focused venture fund, offers an early-stage token fund, and provides exposure to new, efficient, and scalable protocols through its Early-Stage Tokens fund. Additionally, Pantera Capital has made 110 early-stage token investments and offers funds that cover the full spectrum of blockchain technology investments, including early-stage tokens.


Digital Currency Group (DCG) is a venture capital firm that supports businesses through all stages of their journey, including early-stage (Seed and Venture). DCG focuses on Web3 technologies, as evidenced by its investments in crypto asset management, decentralized infrastructure, and token and digital asset holdings. Additionally, DCG specializes in token assets investment, holding over 30 token and digital asset holdings.

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