Search companies that creates ai software for developers

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Swimm creates software that helps developers understand complex codebases and fill in documentation gaps. It provides AI coding assistance through its Swimm Engine, which continuously analyzes codebases, documentation sources, and data from enterprise tools. The software includes features like IDE plugins, continuous integration, and AI-powered documentation tools, specifically designed for developers.


Ploomber creates a cloud platform for developing and scaling AI/ML applications, which is specifically targeted at developers. The company focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Developer Tools, Machine Learning, and Analytics, indicating that their software is related to AI and intended for developers.


Krista Software creates AI software, including products like Ask Krista AI and Conversational AI, which are related to artificial intelligence. The company also provides solutions for DevOps Automation and ML Ops, indicating that their software is specifically designed for developers. creates AI software (Chimera SDK) specifically for developers, as evidenced by their DevStudio platform and Chimera SDK, which are designed to simplify AI software development and SoC design choices.

Invertase creates software products such as React Native Firebase and FlutterFire, which are specifically designed for developers. Additionally, the company integrates AI functionalities into their solutions, such as natural language processing and image recognition, and develops AI-driven functionalities for mobile apps.


Cosine creates software that supports 50+ coding languages, allows developers to ask questions about their codebase, provides explanations about features within a codebase, and offers suggestions on how to write new code. This indicates that the software is specifically for developers. Additionally, the company targets the Artificial Intelligence, Developer Tools, Generative AI, Machine Learning, and NLP sectors, which confirms that the software is related to artificial intelligence.


Innominds creates a variety of software products and platforms, including AI-related solutions such as iFusion, an AI platform for enterprise AI adoption, and iHarmony, an AI-led test automation accelerator. These products are designed to assist developers in building and managing AI applications, indicating that the company creates AI software specifically for developers.

Openlayer creates tools specifically for developers to track prompts and models, test edge cases, and catch errors in production for AI applications. Their solution involves evaluating AI with one line of code, which is directly related to artificial intelligence.


Devron creates a federated data science platform that includes privacy-preserving machine learning features and provides a Python SDK and a low-code interface for data science, which is specifically for developers. The platform leverages AI technologies such as federated learning, synthetic data, and differential privacy.

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