People and companies working on wireless signal processing algorithms in india

Search completed: 6 days ago 589 candidates analyzed stopped after 8 matches found

Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) is a company that develops a range of telecom technology products, including wireless technology. It is based in India and engages in the development of wireless signal processing algorithms as part of its broader telecom technology offerings.


Marvell is a company that operates globally, including in India. It provides 5G wireless carrier solutions, which involve wireless signal processing algorithms. Therefore, it matches the criteria of being a company working on wireless signal processing algorithms in India.

Amantya Technologies is a company that offers a range of 5G solutions, including 5G Network in a Box, 5G Core, and 5G Testing & Automation services. These services indicate that the company is involved in wireless signal processing algorithms. Additionally, the company is based in India, as evidenced by the presence of multiple employees with Indian names and the company's focus on the Indian market.


EdgeQ is a company that has an office in Bangalore, India, and works on wireless signal processing algorithms as evidenced by their 5G Base-Station-on-a-Chip technology, which includes features like waveform processing, accelerated FEC, beamforming, and channel estimation.

Sasken Technologies is a company with a strong track record in wireless technologies, including network performance optimization and modem chipset development, which indicates work on wireless signal processing algorithms. Additionally, Sasken Technologies is based in India.

Tarana Wireless is a company that works on advanced wireless technologies, including interference cancellation and fixed wireless access, which involves signal processing algorithms. Additionally, they have research and development operations in Pune, India, which satisfies the location criterion.


Zinkworks is a company that offers services in Telecoms and has expertise in areas related to wireless signal processing, such as 5G private networks and cellular network traffic forecasting. Additionally, Zinkworks has an office in Hyderabad, India, which confirms its presence in India.


MittLogik Group is a company that has a location in India and specializes in Telecom, Mobility, IoT, and Hardware, which includes expertise in 5G, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. These areas are related to wireless signal processing algorithms.

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