
Search completed: 19 days ago 1130 candidates analyzed stopped after 191 matches found

Mamenta operates a global trade platform that allows brands to reach new markets quickly and grow their revenue. It supports selling on over 600 online marketplaces and provides a platform that integrates various e-commerce functions, facilitating transactions between third-party buyers and sellers.


Provi operates a B2B alcohol marketplace that connects buyers (bars, restaurants, and retail stores) with sellers (alcohol distributors and sales reps) and facilitates transactions between them.

Entera operates a real estate investment platform that facilitates transactions between buyers and sellers of single-family homes, meeting the criteria of a marketplace.


The National Safety Council operates a TechHub Marketplace that connects companies with technology providers for workplace safety solutions, facilitating transactions between third-party buyers and sellers.


Lemonway provides payment solutions specifically for marketplaces and facilitates transactions between third-party buyers and sellers.

Mirakl operates a platform where buyers and sellers can transact goods or services, and it facilitates transactions between third-party buyers and sellers. The company supports both B2B and B2C marketplaces, provides tools for onboarding and payment processes for sellers, and has a network of marketplace sellers and partners.

SDNA Tech operates a B2B marketplace platform and plans to launch an NFT-based marketplace, which indicates they facilitate transactions between third-party buyers and sellers.

Marketplacer operates a platform that allows enterprise companies to scale and grow in the e-commerce environment by integrating third-party seller inventory and facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. It supports a multi-vendor marketplace and provides tools for businesses to expand their product range without managing inventory.

Buoy Health operates a digital health marketplace that includes over three dozen care solutions, facilitating transactions between third-party buyers and sellers of healthcare services.

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