I am looking for interesting robotics buisnesses based in the us

Search completed: 3 days ago 872 candidates analyzed stopped after 167 matches found

RMFG is primarily engaged in the robotics industry as it offers robot solutions for SMB manufacturers and focuses on automating tasks. The company is based in Fort Worth, TX, USA, which is within the United States. Additionally, RMFG has unique and innovative offerings such as an API-first approach for custom app and integration development, and a process that includes site visits, robot training, and deployment, allowing for robots to be rented monthly.


Flux Auto is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, specifically in autonomous vehicle technology for forklifts, which is a unique and innovative offering. The company is based in Houston, TX, USA, meeting the criteria of being located in the United States.

GreyOrange is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, offering a range of robotic solutions and a Fulfillment Orchestration Platform that integrates with various robotic systems. The company has a significant focus on research and development in robotics and has deployed over 10,000 robots worldwide. Additionally, GreyOrange has a global presence, including offices and facilities in the USA, which indicates it is based in the United States. The company's innovative offerings, such as the GreyMatter™ intelligent Fulfillment Operating System and various autonomous robots, demonstrate unique and innovative contributions to the field of robotics.

Tortuga AgTech is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, specifically in agricultural robotics, and is based in Denver, Colorado, USA. The company operates the world’s largest commercial harvesting robot fleet and has received multiple recognitions for its innovative offerings in the field of robotics.

Everyday Robots is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, focusing on developing helper robots designed to assist in everyday tasks and environments. The company is based in the United States as it is part of X, the moonshot factory, which is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. (Google). Additionally, the company has unique and innovative offerings in the field of robotics, such as robots that can learn autonomously and adapt to new environments without pre-programming.

RIOS is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, offering AI-powered robotics and automation solutions. The company is based in the United States, with its headquarters in Menlo Park, CA. Additionally, RIOS has unique and innovative offerings, such as pioneering haptic intelligence for robots and developing advanced tactile sensors powered by AI.

Exyn Technologies is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, offering industrial drone technology solutions with proprietary autonomy algorithms and SLAM-based LiDAR scanning technology. The company is based in Philadelphia, PA, which is in the United States. Additionally, Exyn Technologies provides unique and innovative offerings in the field of robotics, such as autonomous drones capable of capturing precise 3D data in complex, GPS-denied environments.


Machina Labs is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, combining robotics and AI to build next-generation factories. The company is based in the United States, with its headquarters located in Chatsworth, CA. Additionally, Machina Labs offers unique and innovative technologies such as Roboforming™ and the Robotic Craftsman platform, which are advanced and distinctive in the field of robotics.

Gecko Robotics is primarily engaged in the robotics industry, specifically in advanced ultrasonic inspection robots. The company is based in the United States with its headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA, and additional locations in Austin, TX, Houston, TX, New York, NY, and Boston, MA. Furthermore, Gecko Robotics offers unique and innovative solutions in the field of robotics, such as advanced ultrasonic inspection robots and enterprise software solutions for critical infrastructure.

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