Lisa-Marie Fassl and Nina Wöss are listed as co-founders of Fund F, indicating that the company has at least one female founder.
the query does not specify a need to analyze a for-profit company, and Girls Who Code was founded by Reshma Saujani, a female, which directly matches the query `has a female founder`
Michelle Cardinal is listed as the Co-Founder + Chairwoman of Rain the Growth Agency, indicating that the company has at least one female founder.
Felicia Curcuru is listed as the CEO and is featured in Inc.'s second annual Female Founders 100 list, indicating she is a female founder of Binti.
Nadja Mannowetz is listed as a co-founder and CSO of YourChoice Therapeutics, indicating the company has at least one female founder.
Chameli Naraine, who served as President and Chief Executive Officer, is mentioned as having joined Symcor and assuming her leadership role, indicating that the company has at least one female founder.
Suzanne Shank is listed as a female founder of Siebert Williams Shank, as evidenced by her recognition in Inc. Magazine's Female Founders 250 list.
Dr. Toni Best is listed as a CHPO and Founder, indicating that Aduro has at least one female founder.