Find fintech companies that use python

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Alpaca is primarily engaged in financial technology (fintech) as it offers a Developer-First API for trading stocks and cryptocurrencies, and provides infrastructure for trading, brokerage, custody, and post-trade processing. Additionally, Alpaca uses Python as a core technology in their operations, as evidenced by the availability of their SDKs in Python.

Alpha Vantage is primarily engaged in financial technology (fintech) and provides educational content and guides for building applications using Python/Django, indicating the use of Python as a core technology.

Go Wombat offers custom software development services for various industries, including fintech, and utilizes Python as one of their core technologies in their projects.

EffectiveSoft is engaged in developing applications for various industries including fintech and uses Python as part of their advanced tech stack.

Qube Research & Technologies is primarily engaged in financial technology as a global multi-strategy investment manager and uses Python as a core technology in their operations, as evidenced by their sponsorship of the Python Software Foundation and their use of Python in their tech platform.

Neptyne is a fintech company as it offers a programmable spreadsheet with a full Python environment, which is used for various financial applications such as option trading systems. The company explicitly integrates Python libraries and APIs, indicating that Python is a core technology in their operations.

Interexy is engaged in financial technology (fintech) as it provides industry-specific solutions with a focus on fintech and specializes in creating NFT and cryptocurrency applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions. Additionally, the company utilizes Python as part of its tech stack.

Zama is primarily engaged in developing Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) solutions, which are used in various industries including finance. Additionally, Zama's Concrete product is a TFHE compiler that converts Python programs into FHE equivalents, indicating that Python is a core technology in their operations.

Veryfi, Inc. operates in the fintech industry, providing solutions for financial document processing and automation. Additionally, the company offers free SDKs for multiple programming languages, including Python, indicating that Python is used in their operations or product development.

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