Fabless startups

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Aeponyx is a startup company specializing in photonic integrated circuits and operates under a fabless business model, as it designs and sells hardware devices but outsources the fabrication to third-party manufacturers.


Anello Photonics is a startup company that designs and sells hardware devices and semiconductor chips, specifically in the field of photonics and inertial navigation systems. The company outsources the fabrication of its devices, as indicated by its use of an ultra low-loss on-chip waveguide manufacturing process integrated with a silicon photonic circuit, which suggests a fabless business model.


Quadric.io is a startup company that designs and sells a general purpose neural processing unit (GPNPU) named Chimera, but outsources the fabrication of the devices to third-party manufacturers, as indicated by their participation in the Silicon Catalyst In-Kind Partner Ecosystem to support semiconductor startups.

Mobix Labs is a fabless semiconductor company developing next-generation wireless and connected solutions, and it appears to be a startup given its recent activities such as securing a $100 million equity facility and making strategic acquisitions.

Oculii is a startup company that has raised over $75M in venture capital financing. It develops high-resolution Virtual AI Software for imaging radar and offers products like Falcon and Eagle, which are imaging radar systems. These products are based on semiconductor technology, and the company does not appear to fabricate the hardware itself, indicating a fabless business model.


Flex Logix Technologies is a startup company that designs and sells eFPGA IP and reconfigurable computing solutions, but outsources the fabrication of these devices to third-party manufacturers, fitting the fabless business model.


Lumotive is a startup company that develops and sells Light Control Metasurface (LCM) technology, which is a type of semiconductor technology. The company outsources the fabrication of its devices, as indicated by its use of low-cost, silicon-based mass production for scalability in consumer electronics, fitting the fabless business model.

Yongatek Microelectronics is a startup company that develops a range of IC/ASIC/SoC/Chip designs and outsources the fabrication of these devices to third-party manufacturers, fitting the fabless business model.


Alif Semiconductor is a startup company that designs and sells semiconductor chips and hardware devices, but outsources the fabrication to third-party manufacturers, fitting the fabless business model.

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