Companies that deal with long form video internally

Search completed: 7 days ago 1321 candidates analyzed stopped after 6 matches found

Colossyan offers a product called Colossyan Creator, which is an AI video generator with features specifically designed for workplace learning, employee training, internal communications, and other enterprise video creation needs. This indicates that the company produces and manages long-form video content primarily for internal purposes within companies. offers a virtual platform for live, interactive video events and provides features such as automatic recording of events, organizing videos into channels, and sharing videos internally. These features indicate that the company produces and manages long-form video content primarily for internal purposes, such as team communications, all hands meetings, and product sprint reviews.


Proximie produces and manages long-form video content, specifically surgical view videos, and uses this content primarily for internal purposes such as training surgeons, improving patient safety, and driving productivity within the medical field.

Edthena produces and manages long-form video content primarily for internal purposes such as teacher self-observation, coaching, and professional development within educational institutions.

Spokn allows contributors to add content in video format and offers features for embedding and sharing videos internally within the company, such as on intranets and Slack. This indicates that the company produces and manages long-form video content for internal purposes.


DeepHow provides a digital library of video training tutorials and an AI-powered video-centric end-to-end training platform primarily for onboarding, retaining, and upskilling the workforce. This indicates that the long-form video content is used primarily for internal purposes within the company and its clients.

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