Combinatorial optimization hardware company

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Quantinuum offers quantum computing solutions for optimization and has developed hardware solutions such as the H-Series quantum computers.


Lightelligence develops hardware solutions such as the PACE photonic computing platform and HUMMINGBIRD optical network-on-chip processor, which are designed to solve complex computational problems including combinatorial optimization tasks like the Ising problem.

1QBit focuses on developing computational hardware and software for high-value problems, including optimization methods. They also design hardware informed by gaps in classical computing capabilities, which aligns with the development of hardware solutions.


D-Wave Systems is focused on combinatorial optimization as it provides quantum computing solutions that are particularly suited for optimization problems. Additionally, D-Wave develops hardware solutions, specifically annealing quantum computers and gate-model quantum computers.

Rigetti Computing is focused on quantum computing, which inherently involves combinatorial optimization problems. Additionally, the company develops and utilizes hardware solutions, such as their 9-qubit and 19-qubit quantum processing units (QPUs).

Integrated Reasoning focuses on combinatorial optimization by developing specialized processors tailored to NP-complete problems, and it promotes organic architecture in computing, which indicates a strong emphasis on hardware solutions.

Terra Quantum is involved in quantum computing and offers solutions that include optimization, machine learning, and simulation using both classical and quantum hardware. They are developing superconducting Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) and provide quantum-enhanced solutions for various industries. This indicates a focus on combinatorial optimization and the development/utilization of hardware solutions.

QuEra Computing focuses on combinatorial optimization as evidenced by their quantum computers being capable of solving complex optimization problems like the Maximum Independent Set problem. Additionally, QuEra develops hardware solutions, specifically quantum computers such as their 256-qubit Aquila, which operates in an analog quantum processing mode and is based on neutral atom technology.

PASQAL is a company that focuses on quantum computing solutions, which inherently involves combinatorial optimization. They utilize neutral atom technology in their quantum processors, indicating a hardware-based approach to their solutions.

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