Ai infrastructure jobs in bay area

Search completed: 4 days ago 1429 candidates analyzed stopped after 4 matches found

Voltron Data, through its acquisition of Claypot AI, is involved in AI infrastructure, has job openings related to AI infrastructure, and has roles based in San Francisco, CA, which is in the Bay Area.

Luminous Computing is involved in AI infrastructure by developing a light-based AI accelerator chip and aims to build the most powerful AI accelerator on the planet. The company is located in Santa Clara, CA, which is in the Bay Area. They have open positions available in California, which includes the Bay Area.

Spellbrush is involved in AI infrastructure as it specializes in generative AI for creating anime-style art and games. The company has job openings related to AI infrastructure, such as AI Infrastructure Engineer. These job openings are located in the Bay Area, specifically San Francisco, CA.

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