Bryan Kitchener

Lead Software Engineer @ Upgraded arrow icon

About Bryan Kitchener

Bryan Kitchener is a Lead Software Engineer with 7 years of experience in software development, motivated by projects that make a societal impact.

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Bryan Kitchener is a Lead Software Engineer who has been working in software development for the last 7 years. He is driven by a passion for projects that make a difference in society, finding motivation in helping others. Bryan cares deeply about the circular economy and is committed to addressing issues in healthcare in America. His dedication to these causes fuels his work ethic and professional endeavors.

About Upgraded

Upgraded is a consumer electronics company that provides subscription-based sales platforms for devices like smartphones and laptops, aiming to reduce replacement cycles and enhance customer loyalty.

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John Erik Metcalf

Co-founder & CEO @ Upgraded

John Erik Metcalf is the co-founder and CEO known for his proficiency in Mandarin Chinese and his contributions to the tech and entrepreneurial sectors, including founding Demand Analytics and investing in financial technology through Reina Capital.

Ziad Sawalha

Chief Builder/RBI @ Upgraded

Ala Shanaa

Product Manager @ Upgraded

Ala Shanaa is a Product Manager at Upgraded, working alongside key team members including CEO John Erik Metcalf.

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