Meghana Ravikumar

Product Manager, SigOpt @ SigOpt arrow icon

About Meghana Ravikumar

Meghana Ravikumar is a Product Manager at SigOpt, an Intel company, focusing on developing new optimization techniques for AI models.

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Meghana Ravikumar serves as a Product Manager at SigOpt, a company known for its advanced and scalable solutions that enhance the performance of AI models. SigOpt, which was acquired by Intel, specializes in managing model and hyperparameter optimization, tracking model artifacts, and visualizing training metrics. The platform is designed to be fully agnostic to modeling frameworks, compute stacks, orchestration setups, or coding environments, making it versatile across various tech infrastructures. Meghana works alongside a team comprising world experts in optimization, top software engineers, and machine learning experts from leading universities. This team collaborates to push the boundaries of AI technology, catering to a range from startups to large enterprises with extensive modeling needs. Additionally, SigOpt’s academic program supports researchers by providing complimentary access to their experiment management solutions, including tracking, visualization, and optimization, thereby fostering further innovation in the field.

About SigOpt

SigOpt, based in San Francisco, CA, offers an Optimization-as-a-Service platform that tunes research pipelines for various industries, including insurance and algorithmic trading.

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