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MoveOn's Civic Action and Political Action Civic Action, a 501(c)(4) organization, focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy addressing critical national issues. In contrast, Political Action operates as a federal political committee, dedicated to electing candidates aligned with their members' values. Through these dual arms, MoveOn effectively influences policy and election outcomes. Their efforts are strategically designed to mobilize and educate the public, ensuring that progressive voices are amplified in the political arena. This bifurcated structure allows MoveOn to tackle both grassroots advocacy and direct political engagement, making it a versatile force in American politics.

MoveOn's Member Mobilization Efforts

MoveOn's members are the backbone of its mobilization efforts. For instance, in 2014, members made over 6.76 million phone calls to encourage progressive voter turnout in key Senate races. Such initiatives highlight MoveOn's capacity to leverage its extensive member base for significant political impact. Furthermore, during the 2020 election, MoveOn members sent 155 million text messages and made 188,000 calls to voters in targeted states. This large-scale grassroots mobilization underscores MoveOn's effectiveness in engaging and activating its supporters to influence election outcomes.

MoveOn's Community Support and Disaster Relief

Beyond political campaigns, MoveOn members have demonstrated a strong commitment to community support and disaster relief. Notably, they raised nearly $200,000 for the Maui Community Power Recovery Fund following the Lahaina fire. This fundraising effort reflects MoveOn's broader ethos of community solidarity and support. Such initiatives not only provide immediate assistance to those in need but also foster a sense of collective responsibility and action among MoveOn's members, reinforcing the organization's commitment to progressive values and community resilience.

MoveOn's Innovative Campaigns and Outreach Programs

MoveOn is renowned for its innovative campaigns and outreach programs. The 'Real Voter Voices' program in 2018, for instance, collected 2,500 selfie-style videos of voters sharing their motivations, reaching over 20 million voters in key races. Another notable initiative, the 'Vote Score' project in 2012, used social pressure mailings to reach 12 million potential voters, boosting voter turnout. Furthermore, the 'Bush in 30 Seconds' ad contest in 2004 allowed over a thousand members to submit anti-Bush ads, showcasing MoveOn's ability to engage and harness creative energy for political advocacy.

MoveOn's Cultural and Grassroots Initiatives

MoveOn has also made significant strides in cultural and grassroots initiatives. The 'Vote for Change' concert series in 2004, featuring major artists like Bruce Springsteen and Pearl Jam, aimed to register and turn out voters through music and cultural influence. Additionally, the 'RepubliCorp' campaign in 2010 branded the GOP as beholden to corporate interests, strategically targeting 100 Republican candidate events. These initiatives illustrate MoveOn's ability to blend cultural engagement with political activism, creating a multifaceted approach to mobilizing and educating the public on progressive issues.

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Companies similar to MoveOn, launched in 2016, is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, operating fully remotely, dedicated to simplifying political engagement and increasing voter turnout across the United States.

Civic Nation is a nonprofit ecosystem dedicated to national organizing and education initiatives, engaging over 120 million Americans on critical issues and mobilizing over 56,000 volunteers.