Jeffrey Brooks

Computational Psychologist @ Hume AI arrow icon

About Jeffrey Brooks

Jeffrey Brooks is a computational psychologist known for his research on emotion perception and social evaluation, and for developing the semantic space theory.

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Jeffrey Brooks is a distinguished computational psychologist who earned his Ph.D. from the Social Cognitive and Neural Sciences Lab at New York University. His research primarily focuses on the computational and neural mechanisms underlying emotion perception and social evaluation. Brooks has contributed significantly to the field through his publications in esteemed journals such as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Nature Human Behavior. He is also the developer of the semantic space theory, a data-driven approach that maps the full spectrum of human emotions, enhancing understanding in both academic and applied psychology contexts.

About Hume AI

Hume AI is a technology company that develops advanced APIs like the Empathic Voice Interface, Expression Measurement API, and Custom Model API, focusing on emotional intelligence in AI.

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Alan Cowen is an applied mathematician and computational emotion scientist, known for his pioneering work in studying human expression and experience through data-driven methods.

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Staff AI Research Scientist @ Hume AI

Panagiotis Tzirakis is a Staff AI Research Scientist with a Ph.D. from Imperial College London, specializing in multimodal emotion recognition.

Chris Gagne

AI Research Manager @ Hume AI

Chris Gagne is an AI Research Manager with a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, specializing in computational modeling of human behavior under various psychological conditions.

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