Lynn Ngo's Company

Lynn Ngo is currently employed at the office located at 1900 16th Street, Suite 1200 in Denver, CO. This address is known for housing companies in various industries, providing a dynamic and collaborative work environment. The office's location in Denver, a city known for its thriving business community and innovative spirit, offers Lynn a robust platform to contribute to and grow within her company. The exact nature of the company and its industry, however, is not specified, but the prestigious address suggests a reputable and significant enterprise.

Lynn Ngo's Employment Start Date

Lynn Ngo began her employment at her current company on June 12, 2022. Starting in mid-2022 places her in a period of post-pandemic recovery where many businesses were adapting to new norms and exploring growth opportunities. Her role during this time likely involved navigating these changes and contributing to the company’s adaptation strategies. This start date marks over a year of experience, indicating that she has had ample time to integrate into the company’s culture and contribute meaningfully to its operations.

Lynn Ngo's Office Location

Lynn Ngo works out of the office located at 1900 16th Street, Suite 1200 in Denver, CO. This strategic location is within one of Denver's key business districts, offering proximity to major corporate headquarters, tech companies, and startups. The area is known for its vibrant business community and access to a wide range of professional resources and networking opportunities. Working in this premier location provides Lynn with the advantage of being at the heart of business innovation and activity in Denver.

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