
Drivosity Employees

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Drivosity's Solutions

Drivosity specializes in delivering advanced telematics solutions designed to enhance productivity, promote safer driving, and reduce operational costs for delivery businesses. Their platform features real-time driver tracking and a behavior-modifying scoring system, providing comprehensive analytical tools to dissect the entire delivery experience. This holistic approach helps businesses boost productivity and improve their bottom line by offering actionable insights and data-driven strategies.

Drivosity's Safety and Certification Programs

Drivosity places a significant emphasis on driver safety through its DrivosityCertified program, which recognizes and certifies the safest drivers on the road. The platform's DriveScore® improvements are particularly noteworthy, potentially reducing the risk of accidents by as much as 450 times. This focus on safety not only protects drivers but also helps businesses lower their insurance costs, with some customers reporting reductions in claims costs by as much as 50-90% after implementing Drivosity’s solutions.

Drivosity's Technological Features

The technological backbone of Drivosity's platform includes a variety of features aimed at optimizing delivery operations. These features include trip reviews for coaching and driver management, the To-the-Door Dashboard for comprehensive delivery insights, and various device options like HTH Car Toppers and standalone tracking devices. Their live GPS tracking tool helps manage labor costs by ensuring sufficient driver availability to meet customer demands, while also aiding in recovering stolen vehicles and toppers.

Drivosity's Impact on Insurance Costs

One of the standout benefits of using Drivosity's solutions is the significant reduction in insurance costs for their customers. After two years of utilizing Drivosity’s platform, some customers have seen a decrease in insurance costs by more than 30%. In addition, users can receive premium reductions on auto insurance and workers' compensation by as much as 50%, making it a financially smart choice for multi-unit food delivery franchisees looking to manage and reduce their overheads effectively.

Drivosity's Company Culture

Founded in 2015, Drivosity has grown into a global company with a culture that emphasizes success through empowerment. Their vibrant and fast-paced work environment fosters growth and drives the company forward. By focusing on driver empowerment and customer engagement, Drivosity accelerates growth and operational excellence for brands in the food delivery industry, ensuring that both employees and customers thrive.

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