
CloudFrame's Specialization

CloudFrame specializes in transforming COBOL applications into cloud-native Java applications, an essential service for organizations looking to modernize their legacy mainframe systems. By focusing on this niche, CloudFrame addresses a critical need in the industry, as many businesses rely on outdated COBOL systems that are expensive to maintain and difficult to integrate with modern technologies. The company's expertise enables clients to transition smoothly and efficiently, ensuring their systems are up-to-date and scalable.

CloudFrame's Products

CloudFrame offers innovative products designed to automate the transformation of mainframe applications to Java. Key products include CloudFrame Relocate and CloudFrame Renovate. CloudFrame Relocate allows the execution of workloads as Java on zIIP or in cloud containers without altering existing data and processes, ensuring seamless integration. CloudFrame Renovate, on the other hand, automates the conversion of COBOL applications into Java assets for cloud deployment, making the modernization process faster and more reliable. These products collectively enhance control and speed in the modernization process, providing significant value to customers.

CloudFrame's Modernization Approach

CloudFrame adopts a low-risk, low-cost approach to incremental modernization of mainframe applications. This strategy reduces the risks and costs typically associated with transforming legacy systems. By opting for incremental changes rather than complete overhauls, CloudFrame ensures that businesses can modernize their systems without disrupting their operations. This method is particularly beneficial for organizations that need to maintain backward compatibility with mainframe data sources such as VSAM, QSAM, DB2, JES Job Scheduler, and MQ messaging during the transition.

CloudFrame's Partnerships

CloudFrame partners with leading global systems integrators, mainframe service providers, and cloud platforms to deliver comprehensive modernization solutions. These collaborations enable CloudFrame to leverage the expertise and resources of established industry players, enhancing the overall quality and reach of their services. By working with these partners, CloudFrame ensures that their clients receive the best possible support and technology solutions for their modernization projects.

CloudFrame's Headquarters

CloudFrame is headquartered at 100 Overlook Center, 2nd Floor, Princeton, NJ 08540. This strategic location positions the company within a hub of technological innovation and industry activity, providing access to a wealth of resources and talent. Being based in Princeton also allows CloudFrame to maintain close relationships with key clients and partners in the region, facilitating better collaboration and service delivery.

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