Title and Current Position
Somudro Gupta serves as the Head of Software. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing software development and ensuring the efficient and effective operation of software projects.
Past Roles at Embark Trucks
Somudro Gupta joined Embark Trucks as the first software engineer, where he built much of the autonomy stack. He was later promoted to lead the Motion Planning and Controls team. Eventually, Gupta advanced to lead the entire autonomy division, overseeing a team of 45 software engineers.
Autonomous Vehicle Expertise
Somudro Gupta has extensive experience in autonomous vehicle engineering. He was the US Motion Planning Lead for 'Jack,' a self-driving Audi A7 that completed a 550-mile autonomous drive from the Bay Area to Las Vegas for CES 2015. His roles at Embark Trucks included positions such as Head of Autonomous Vehicle Engineering and leading the autonomy division.