
YC startups working in healthcare

✅ Analyzed 947 results. Found 488 matches in 2 minutes.

Apr 11, 2024
Company Name Website Reason
LunaJoy LunaJoy is a Y Combinator startup, as indicated by its participation in the YC W22 batch. Additionally, it operates in the healthcare sector, specifically focusing on women's mental health, which is part of the healthcare services industry. Report
Anja Health Anja Health is a Y Combinator startup (part of the W22 batch) and operates in the healthcare industry, specifically focusing on consumer health and wellness through services like cord blood banking. Report
Spect Spect is a Y Combinator startup (YC batch S17) and operates in the healthcare sector, specifically focusing on preventing blindness through retinal screening. Report
Openmart Openmart is a Y Combinator-backed startup (YC batch W24) that specializes in leads for medical establishments among other sectors, thus working in the healthcare sector. Report
Preamble Preamble is a Y Combinator startup and serves the healthcare industry among others. Report
Crohnology (by Healthy Labs) Crohnology (by Healthy Labs) is a Y Combinator startup from the S12 batch and operates in the healthcare sector, specifically focusing on Consumer Health and Wellness. Report
Flexpa Flexpa is a Y Combinator startup as it was founded as Automate Medical and is working in the healthcare sector by providing a platform for accessing and integrating patient health data. Report
Roseman Labs Roseman Labs is a Y Combinator startup and works in the healthcare sector, as evidenced by their NEN 7510 certification which is specific to securing personal health information in healthcare. Report
Redcliffe Lifetech Redcliffe Lifetech matches the query because it is a Y Combinator startup (part of the W21 batch) and is actively working in the healthcare sector, specifically in diagnostics. Report
Ruth Health Ruth Health is a Y Combinator startup (YC batch S21) and operates in the healthcare sector, specifically focusing on telehealth services for post-pregnancy women. Report

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