
YC startups founded by a stanford alumni

✅ Analyzed 1464 results. Found 119 matches in 4 minutes.

May 3, 2024
Company Name Website Reason
Truva Truva is a Y Combinator startup from the S22 batch and was co-founded by Gaurav, a Stanford alumnus. Report
Dialect Dialect is a Y Combinator startup from the S22 batch and was founded by Stanford alumni, including James Thomas and Tejas Sundaresan who both graduated from Stanford. Report
Rainforest Rainforest is a Y Combinator startup from the S12 batch and was co-founded by Fred Stevens-Smith, who is a Stanford alumni. Report
Celery Celery is a Y Combinator startup as it participated in Y Combinator's S12 batch, and it has team members who are alumni from Stanford. Report
Rejuvenation Technologies Inc. Rejuvenation Technologies Inc. is part of the Y Combinator S18 batch and was founded by John Ramunas and Glenn Markov, both of whom hold PhDs from Stanford University. Report
inDinero inDinero is a Y Combinator startup from the S10 batch, and it was founded by Jess Mah, who is a Stanford alumni. Report
Strikingly Strikingly is a Y Combinator startup from the W13 batch and was co-founded by David Chen, a Stanford alumni. Report
Lob Lob is a Y Combinator startup from the S13 batch and was founded by Leore Avidar, a Stanford alumni. Report
Make School Make School is a Y Combinator startup from the W12 batch and was founded by Ashu Desai and Jeremy Rossmann, both of whom attended Stanford University. Report
Crocodoc Crocodoc was funded by Y Combinator in the W10 batch and was founded by Ryan Damico, a Stanford alumni. Report

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